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Do The Right Thing monthly winners

By Staff

SPECIAL TO THE BREEZE, “mailto:news@breezenewspapers.com”>news@breezenewspapers.com

The Cape Coral Police Department hosted its Do The Right Thing Student Recognition Awards ceremony for the month of January on Wednesday at City Hall. The following students were recognized for their positive attitudes towards school and family, their healthy decisions regarding drugs and violence, as well as their good citizenship.

Overall winner

— William Eldson, 12th grade, Cape Coral High School, son of Erin and Bill Eldson

Billy is an exceptional young man who works hard and makes it part of his life to help others. Billy is in the International Baccalaureate program and has had numerous summer assignments. He works six days, 55 hours a week at Sun Splash, where he is said to help his co-workers on a regular basis. Billy takes a “nine-day vacation” from this schedule each year to go with his church youth group to a West Virginia community to help families in need. This summer was his most memorable and rewarding trip as he was assigned with another student to a trailer that needed to have two doors and a window replaced, and repairs made to the roof. When that was completed, they pressure-washed and scrubbed the trailer and applied fresh paint. Billy stated how important it is for him to remember that not everyone is as fortunate as he, and we all need to stop and lend a helping hand whenever possible.

— Rebecca Watson, sixth grade, Trafalgar Middle School, daughter of Deana and Thomas Watson

— Ashley Watson, second grade, Trafalgar Elementary School, daughter of Deana and Thomas Watson

Rebecca and Ashley visited the Juniper Assisted Living facility regularly when their great-grandmother and great-aunt were residents there. It was exciting for them as well as for the residents who did not often get a chance to see young people. After their great-grandmother passed away in May, they began volunteering every Tuesday to help the activity director Daisy. They assisted the residents during exercise time and helped with BINGO, puzzles and other activities. The girls also assisted Daisy in starting a basketball team at the facility.

— Amanda Wright, sixth grade, Challenger Middle School, daughter of Tracy and Mark Wright

Amanda heard a talk in her school from the members of Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife, who speak regularly to school children and community groups to educate them about the protected wildlife in Cape Coral. During the talks, the group always urges children to tell an adult if they see someone harming an animal. Amanda went home one day and told her mom that someone in her neighborhood was parking on top of a burrowing owl’s nest. She urged her mom to call the Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife. The club’s president went out to find that the owls were clearly distraught with a car parked on top of their burrow. The case was taken to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission and because of Amanda, the two owls and the burrow are now protected.

— Bryan Brueggeman, seventh grade, Challenger Middle School, son of Karen Brueggeman

Bryan was nominated because of his quick thinking. Bryan was attending a family function during which many adults were in and around the pool. Brian’s little sister was in the pool, but was seen getting out and taking off her water wings. None of the adults noticed the little girl go back into the spa area where she intended to retrieve a toy. Before anyone realized what was happening, Bryan came out of nowhere and jumped into the spa fully dressed and pulled his little sister from the bottom possibly saving her life. This is not the first time Bryan found himself in a situation like this. When Bryan was 3 years old and his other sister was 1-year-old, he saved her from drowning in the baby-sitter’s pool by screaming for help. Bryan does not see himself as being a hero; he just says he was being a good brother.

— Storm Jackson, 10th grade, Island Coast High School, son of Melanie Jackson

Storm received a phone call one day in June that no one looks forward to — his girlfriend needed help. She knew she needed medical attention, but did not know at the time that she was suffering a major brain bleed. Storm’s girlfriend had recently moved, and while Storm knew how to get there, he did not know her physical address and she was not coherent enough to tell him. Storm immediately got a ride to her house, only to find the house was locked and she was nowhere to be seen. As Storm shouted helplessly for his girlfriend, neighbors saw the commotion and began investigating. Storm broke in the front door and rushed to his girlfriend’s side as one of the neighbors called 911 for the medical emergency. The young girl was taken to Tampa General for care, and can thank Storm for his relentless actions.