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Islanders look for help with benefit; Residents work on plan for event to

By Staff

Caring friends of one Pine Island resident will host a special benefit and are seeking the help of individuals and businesses. Stephanie Devonis has spent the past three months battling cancer and is still receiving treatment for the disease.

“Stephanie had a double mastectomy on May 28 and since then she has been undergoing chemotherapy to kill any cancer cells that may have spread. Chemotherapy is a very difficult treatment and Stephanie is unable to work because of the side effects of the treatments,” said benefit organizer Dell Fletcher.

“The mental and physical strain of this disease and treatment have been difficult to deal with at times. The chronic fatigue and nausea make it difficult to live a normal life. Her husband, George, has had to step up to do the household chores, baby caretaking, grocery shopping, cooking and trying to go to work.”

According to Fletcher, Devonis is a fighter and has not let her disease dampen her spirits.

“Many times Stephanie has wanted to quit, but she knows she has to see this through to the end so that she will be able to watch her children grow up,” said Fletcher. “Stephanie will continue to do the treatments through December and she and her family need the island’s support.”

The Stephanie Devonis Benefit will take place at Froggy’s in St. James City on Saturday, Oct. 18, and at this time Fletcher and other organizers are asking for the assistance of area business and individuals.

“We are asking local businesses and services to please help us with this benefit. With their generous contributions we can raise money to help Stephanie in her time of need,” Fletcher said.

Donations can be made directly to a special account for Stephanie Devonis at the Wachovia Bank, c/o Stephanie Devonis Benefit, 10171 Stringfellow Road, St. James City 33956. To make a donation of a raffle or auction item, call Romana Gavrinev at 283-3773 or Dell Fletcher at 980-0127.