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Department of Defense recognizes LMHS for military support of staff

By Staff

SPECIAL TO THE BREEZE, “mailto:news@breezenewspapers.com”>news@breezenewspapers.com

The Florida Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, an agency of the Department of Defense, announced Wednesday that Lee Memorial Health System was honored with an “Above and Beyond” award in recognition of extraordinary support of its employees who serve in the Florida National Guard and Reserve. 

The Above and Beyond Award is given in limited numbers by state and territory ESGR committees. The ESGR, a Department of Defense organization, recognizes employers at the state and local level who provide extraordinary patriotic support for military duty by their employees.   

Reservist SMSGT Honey Lane, director of clinical operations for Lee Memorial Home Health, nominated her employer.

Lee Memorial Health System is a great place to work. There is a constant outpouring of support, before you leave, after you return, and especially while you’re gone,” said Lane. “I never saw anything like it until I started working here.”

Florida employers will gather in Orlando for an awards ceremony Friday. Kim Gaide, Military Support Coordinator, will accept the award on behalf of LMHS.