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Cable water park now open in North Fort Myers; Dream come true for owner of venue

By Staff

You can wakeboard, kneeboard, ski or wakeskate — pulled by a cable system over jumps or just around the lake. The new Revolution Cable Park has opened in North Fort Myers to the delight of area water sports fans.

The park is located in Bayshore Industrial Park, about a half mile from the Interstate 75 Bayshore Road exit off First Street and then East Street.

The park encompasses approximately 20 acres, with roughly 12 acres of water. It includes a three-quarter-mile nature trail along one of the most pristine wetlands in the area with the addition of 270 recently planted native trees and 4,200 native plants.

“I’ve always been a big fan of the environment,” said park owner Nick DiMasi. “The park offers really great exercise, with huge environmental benefits.”

Concerning the environment, the use of the cable system infuses five tons of oxygen per year into the lake water, which helps the plants and fish, as well as clarifying the water. The system is run by electricity and does not require any gasoline for operation, as compared to riding behind a boat.

“There’s no engine noise, and it only utilizes about a dollar an hour electricity,” he added.

The cable system is a Ski Rixen model, with five towers that run cables in a counter-clockwise direction. The cable pulls riders at 19 miles per hour, seven at a time on rope bars around the lake.

Ski Rixen is a cable water park located in Deerfield Beach, Fla.

Concerning water quality in the local park, DiMasi said he has been through extensive water tests.

“We’ve probably had the water tested 20 times, and Lee County labs said everything they could be concerned about is off the charts — they called it borderline drinking water,” he said.

The park is a dream that started in 2003 for DiMasi.

“There’s 160 in the world,” he said. “The first one was in 1964 in California. Over the years they’ve been built in Arizona, Georgia and Texas.”

He fell in love with the concept years ago.

“I was a big fan of it in college when I first heard about it, and went on spring break to North Carolina, near the Fort Brag Army Base, where there was one,” he said. “We rode it for three days and thought some day I’d like to build one.”

He moved from Boston to Florida and found the perfect spot in North Fort Myers.

Rezoning took a year, then permitting another two years. The park opened this month and is already drawing water sport aficionados to the location.

His business partner is Dayle Cartwright and the manager is Earl Ball. Originally from the Midwest, Ball is experienced in working the specialized parks — he has had more than five years experience at similar parks.

To see more of what goes on at the park, go to: myspace.com/swflrevolution. The Web site has more than 1,000 photos and shows the four-year progression of the park.

DiMasi said he wants to thank local supporters of the project.

“That includes BJ Enterprises, a site and utility contractor that has helped us a tremendous amount, Allied Crane and all the neighbors around Bayshore Industrial Park have been supportive,” he said.

DiMasi majored in mechanical engineering, which came in handy when building the park.

“I did the layout, the civil engineering, the parking lot and building design, where the towers would go,” he said.

Specific directions to Revolution Cable Park can be found on the park’s regular Web site, revolutioncable.com.

Current hours of operation are Wednesday-Friday, 2-8 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday, noon-8 p.m. Hours will be extended later in the year, especially for season.

For information, call 656-3000.