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Cape resident awarded condo manager of year

By Staff

Cape Coral resident Charlie Shipley was awarded the Condominium Manager of the Year for 2007 to 2008 from COMA, the Condominium Owners, Managers and Associates of Florida. He called the award a “surprise and honor.”

Shipley has been in the management business in various capacities for 34 years. He is currently the on-site manager at Provincetown condominiums in South Fort Myers.

Shipley said he was home for about two weeks after his retirement before deciding he wanted to go back to work.

“Provincetown needed some help so they called me out of retirement,” he said. “I’ve been there for about five years now.”

Shipley and his wife, Rosemary, came to Southwest Florida in 1982. He was a condominium association manager on Fort Myers Beach. They moved to the Cape in 2001 and fell in love with it.

“We love the Cape,” he said. “We love the people. There’s a lot of fresh air, no traffic. We just love the Cape, period.”

The Shipleys have bared witness to the growth in Southwest Florida over the years. Shipley especially gives kudos to city officials for the changes that have taken place in the Cape.

“I think the growth was wonderful. I praise the (Cape) city council and anyone who had a part in keeping up with the growth,” he said. “They provide a lot of wonderful parks, if you have kids or not. The Cape is a very active place, and I appreciate that.”

Originally from Lake Ozark, Mo., Shipley got into the management business at the Tan-Tar-a Resort and Lodge. He started as a fishing guide and worked his way up to lodge manager.

After coming to Florida, he became licensed as a Certified Florida Professional Manager and a Community Association Manager, two distinctions that cemented his status as a professional condominium manager.

Shipley credits his wife for his many years of success. Rosemary worked with her husband as a secretary for the condo association, and a legal secretary before that.

“I got the most wonderful wife. We raised four kids, have seven grandkids. She’s a wonderful lady, and she’s much smarter than me,” he said.

Shipley has no plans on a second retirement any time soon. He is enjoying working, and besides, he got bored during his two-week retirement.

“I was retired two weeks. I like to fish, but I can’t fish seven days a week,” Shipley said. “I enjoy working, I enjoy people and I enjoy seeing people have a good time. I’ll work till I don’t have my health.”