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American Red Cross offering CPR classes at a discount; Adult, infant, pet ones

By Staff

The American Red Cross of Lee County will be offering discounted CPR classes this weekend at the Cape Coral United Way Resource House for the second time.

Officials said the first series of discounted CPR classes had such a popular turnout that the Red Cross has organized another “CPR Saturday” on June 7.

“It was very popular, we had a really good turnout the first time. Part of our mission is getting this type of preparedness out in Cape Coral,” said Colin Downey, the American Red Cross of Lee County spokesperson. “We thought if we had that response the first time that we would offer it again.”

Cape residents will have the opportunity to receive their adult certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, a life-saving procedure where a rescuer tries to resuscitate a victim experiencing cardiac arrest by alternating between chest compressions and breaths.

The course not only certifies an adult to perform CPR, but also teaches them how to interact with emergency medical authorities during an accident, how to avoid bloodborne pathogens when performing resuscitation and the role of an automated external defibrillator, or AED.

Besides the adult certification, the American Red Cross of Lee County is also offering a course on infant and child CPR, as well as pet CPR. The classes will run from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and each costs $10.

Infant and child CPR teaches a person how to assist and care for injured children, from newborn to 8 months old, who are choking, having problems breathing or experiencing some type of illness or injury.

The animal CPR class teaches pet owners what symptoms to look for, how to care for animal injures and how to create a pet first aid kit.

“Last time there was two adult CPR courses, now people have the choice of all three,” said Downey.

The American Red Cross of Lee County decided to hold the classes on June 7 to recognize National CPR/AED Awareness Week, which runs from June 1-7. The organization estimates that 166,000 people die each year from sudden cardiac arrest, and effective CPR can triple the rate of survival.

“We trained close to 60 people last time,” said Downey. “And we are doing this because of National CPR/AED Awareness Week.”

The adult CPR class will be from 8-11:30 a.m., the infant and child CPR class will be from 1-4 p.m. and the pet CPR class will be from 1-4 p.m. The United Way House is located at 1105 Cultural Park Drive.

Pre-registration is required to participate in the discounted classes. To register or for more information, call 278-3401 or visit: www.arclcc.org.